Love Letters


Excerpts from reviews of Stage East Ensemble's LOVE LETTERS, Ocean Grove, NJ, February:

THE TWO RIVER TIMES: Send Yourself to "Love Letters" by Philip Dorian, Stage East production gets stamp of approval

..."Love Letters" is no joke. It's an appealing theatrical pas de deux, and when acted well, as it is at Stage East, it is most engaging. I actually forgot for a while that "Love Letters" was a Gurney fiction and asked someone if it had been pieced together from actual letters, which says as much about the actors as the play.
Granville and Silva are an accomplished pair. Melissa may be the showier role.... Neither actor overdoes the material....Granville's emotional well is deep. Melissa's child-custody situation is wrenching and her vanity (sending a photo, she writes "stop looking at my hair," even as Granville lets down her own flowing red tresses ) is innocently charming....although the characters never move, the audience is moved. “

THE COASTER: "Love Letters": Lovely Correspondence by Robert F. Carroll

“...Director Jesse Ontiveros has brought together two on- and off-Broadway regulars, Cynthia Granville and Donald Silva, to spring this correspondence into sparkling life....Granville and Silva fit beautifully hand in glove as the appealing correspondents.”

Ashlee Mundy